sureTRACK® 4-Way Test Strips

Kit Number
Free Chlorine 0-10 ppm, Bromine 0-20 ppm, pH 6.4-8.4, Total Alkalinity 0-240 ppm; 12 shaker dispensers with 50 strips each.
Full details about this product are available on page 3 of our Residential Catalogue.Download Residential Catalogue
Simply "dip-n-read" Taylor's sureTRACK® water quality tests to get an accurate picture of a pool (or spa) in seconds.
sureTRACK-4 strips determine levels of free chlorine or bromine, pH, and total alkalinity, the tests required to keep water health for swimmers.
sureTRACK-6 strips will monitor these parameters plus total hardness and cyanuric acid (the chlorine stabilizer); results can be used to balance water with treatment chemicals to prevent damage to the vessel and its equipment over time.
It's not necessary to swish or swirl these strips for a specified time although test location is important, as water quality near a make-up water inlet, return line or chemical feeder is not representative of conditions in the whole pool. Just immerse all the pads briefly then holding the strip face upwards and horizontally while the chemical reactions take place. The sanitizer test result can be read in 20 seconds by comparing the developed colour to printed-colour standards on the container label. The remaining pads should be read in the order presented according to the times shown. Natural light is best for matching colours (and no sunglasses!)
Pool owners will find Taylor's dry chemistry formulations as reliable as the liquid kits they have trusted for years. The sureTRACK free chlorine test will not give a false-positive reading in the presence of a monopersulfate (non-chlorine) shocking agent or a high level of combined chlorine. Having a test for the most popular pool water sanitizer (chlorine) and the most popular spa water sanitizer (bromine) on the same strip saves many people from having to buy two different products.
Unlike other brands, Taylor's labels are created with spot printing. A more expensive process than ordinary four-colour printing, spot priniting results in
consistent colour standards throughout every production run. The unique
shaker dispenser prevents spoilage due to wet fingers by limiting how many strips can pop out at one time. The rest stay protected inside the container where an extra-large desiccant pillow absorbs intrusive moisture.
When kept dry, out of extreme heat and tightly capped, the strips have a
12-month shelf life.
User Benefits
- Consistent chemistry from strip to strip and batch to batch
- Chemical indicator in free chlorine test eliminates interference from monopersulfate shock or high combined chlorine.
- Unique shaker dispenser prevents spoilage from wet fingers. Individually foil-wrapped strips perform likewise.
- Superior colour standards made with spot-printing technology
- Obtain first results in seconds
- Label includes target ranges generally accepted in pool/spa industry
- 12-month shelf life